Design for Static and Dynamic Loading
Static load: A static load is gradually applied to a mechanical component whose magnitude or direction is independent of the time.
Modes of failure: A mechanical component failure may be the result of any one of the following failure modes.
(i). Failure by elastic deflection
(ii). Failure by general yielding
(iii). Failure by fracture
Stress: Stress is defined as an intensity or magnitude of an internal resisting force developed at a point under given load.
Strength is defined as the maximum or limiting value of stress that a material can withstand without any failure or fracture.
Types of Materials:
(a). Homogenous material: Same elastic properties at any point in a given directions [ie., elastic properties are independent of point].
(b). Isotropic Material: Same elastic properties in any direction at a given
point [independent of direction].
©. Anisotropic Material: Exhibit direction dependent elastic property.
(d). Orthotropic Material: Exhibits different elastic properties in orthogonal directions at a given point.
Shear Stress: If the external force on a component in applied in such a way that it tends to slide the adjacent planes relative to each other, then resulting stresses induced are called shear stresses.
Factor of safety (FOS): It should be kept in mind while designing a component that it should have sufficient excessive strength to prevent any failure due to the accident. Thus, it is obtained by considering a suitable factor of safety (FOS).
The factor of safety is defined as:
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